Today has been a big day at the Troost house.. For breakfast we put in a microwavable peanut butter & jelly crustable..Olivia went to take a bite and she squeezed it and the "HOT" jelly burned her hand... I heard the cry every mother knows and hates.. After putting it under cold water it started to blister and bubble so off to the med center we went.. They told us that she had 2nd degree burns that will probably not scar.. She was such a trooper..She was very interested in the fact that the guy that put magic cream on it and wrapped it was a paramedic that rode/drove the ambulances.. Cool stuff for 5 years old...They then gave her meds and sent us on our way.. Just another day in the life of a 5 year old and a peanut butter and jelly crustable....
Olivia, You are about 4 years older than your daddy was when he pulled the hot coffee pot over on his feet, but he didn't get any magic cream for his. Glad to see your smile. luv gram
Miss O, you are a very cute patient! I'm sure you were very interested in everything that was going on. I'm glad that you are all bandaged up and going to heal up well.
And the coffee pot incident that Gram talked about . . . yes, well I plugged my ears and closed my eyes I was so scared (obviously I would never have made a good nurse!)
Liva -
I wish I were home so we could stay under the covers all day and watch Enchanted! I am also very sorry that you burned your hand on the LAST crustable! I'm sure Mom will buy you more. :)
Love you!
Awe, poor Livie Lou!! What a trooper you are! You are a very cure patient sweetie=).
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