Monday, May 17, 2010

Honey Bees

Whoa! When mowing, I just about ran
smack into these
honey bees on the move.
Awesome sight!


renee said...

oh that is COOL!

Andrea said...

Whoa that is cool tim would wet his pants hes not a fan of bees!!!

Kate said...

So cool!! I hear those are rare to come by. I agree with Andrea, I would have wet my pants as well. Last night a bee was on my leg in my house, and I freaked out so much that I threw my cup of hot tea. Literally, threw it. I don't think that was neccessarry, and it was a mess to clean up. Anyways, I can't imagine what I would do if I saw that.!

aunt renee said...

Kate, you are so funny. I can see you throwing your cup of tea because of a bug.