Wednesday, March 28, 2012

After her Dr. appt. Andrea met us and we pushed her around!
Sophie touched the butterfly!
Aunt Niecie has animal magnetism :)
It wasn't a real Caterpillar Sam :)

David and Renee headed up to Traverse City on Sunday afternoon and met Ross, Ashley and her 2 children she nannys.
The guys also went fishing on their lake.
Love you Ross & Ashley!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Correction for blog

In correcting the
spelling of Elly's name,
we lost her photo, and
decided to add one
additional idea for
the pavilion, well, not
Aunt Rene'e but the

Welcome Elly!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Celebrating Aunt Denise's Birthday

It was well beyond Aunt Denise's Birthday, but Gram, Rene'e and special guest Sophie spent the morning tooling around Grand Rapids, eating breakfast at the Cherie Inn, going downtown, where on Monroe, we received a special song, and ended up at Nantucket Bakery for pizza and M&M cookies. Thank-you for having a Birthday Aunt Niecie!

looks like grandpa
is smoking up a storm!

Sam looks awesome!

Early March Picnic

Can't believe we could
enjoy such an early
March picnic. amazing!

Such fun to blog again!