Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hello from Marquette! It was COLD last night and it was wonderful! We are all set up and the Shrontzs made us breakfast at their new place so I'm posting on Stacey's new computer.

Olivia, while we were in the camper this morning, we remembered that the cupboards above the bed actually fold down and they make into a bunk! So, next year when we go camping at the pavilion, you can have your own special spot. We have never used it, so you can be the first.

We head out sometime tomorrow to go up to Copper Harbor for a couple days and then the Porcupine Mts., after we have coffee with Stacey when she returns from her first class of the new year . . . . we just may have to go get her glue, an official school supply. Prof Jason starts teaching then too.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Busy Weekend at the Troost Pavilion

The weekend started with 5 of grandpa's helicopter buddies and their friends flying in for lunch on Saturday; sort of reminded us of "Mash." It ended with Aunt Renee, Sam and the girls staying the night in her camper. Fun for all.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

If you haven't been to the fair in a long time, everything is still the same, which is probably why we love the Hudsonville Fair, some things should never change like Rainbow Grill's Bran Muffins and the 4th of July parade. . . . .

However, the girl's 4-H group switched from the name 'Saddle Tramps' to 'Saddle Partners' . . . I'm thinking that was a very good change!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pancake breakfast

Thank you for breakfast this morning.
It was worth the drive!
It was really good to see everyone.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Just an FYI for the Fam

The Westra reunion is Saturday, September 13 @??? (I'm not exactly sure, I got lost one time and never made it) and its at 'supper'. . . .Gram thinks 5:00. . . . you'll have to get the details from her if you (dad) plan on going.